

June 20, 2021 4 min read


He's one of the good ones, that Dave Findlay, and I'm lucky enough to call him my husband, my best friend, and the father of my babies. But guess what? He's also the father of Albion (if that's a thing...) So if you're reading this, you're lucky to have Dave in your life too, because chances are, he designed your favorite swimsuit, your comfiest joggers, and that logo on all your Albion gear.  You'd never know it talking to him though because he's also one of the humblest people you've ever met.  One of the most endearing (and frustrating) qualities about Dave is that he deflects any and every compliment that makes him the center of attention.

Dave has established the aesthetic of Albion since day 1. The colors, the stripes, the florals, there's an Albion look that we all love and we have Dave to thank for that. But we have Dave to thank for a lot of things really, because Albion wouldn't even exist if Dave wasn't the kind of man who saw opportunity where most (including myself) saw an impossible challenge.  When we found ourselves in my parents' factory 10 years ago, with our machines stolen and an order that couldn't ship because we couldn't finish it, I was halfway out the door, ready to book our tickets back home to the States, ready to take our little family, and start over.

Where tears were being shed, and heads were bowed in defeat, a decision was made that would change our lives forever.  Dave would not give up. He and my dad, a fierce combo, would find a way. They called up their friends in the community and called in a favor... and within the hour, trucks showed up with machines we could use, rent-free, until we could get our feet back underneath us.  Just a few days later, Dave drew up a logo, a business plan, and Albion was born. Today, he continues to lead with compassion and ingenuity and you see his hand in everything we do.

The thing is, Dave is the kind of man that can get you to do anything because there's nothing quite like seeing a smile creep across his face. Dave makes everything exciting and fun and even whether you've done something a thousand times or once, or never,  it doesn't matter, because Dave will make it feel new and wonderful every single time.  Dave lives to build others up.  And it's sincere. He wants to see everyone shine and succeed and feel validated.  He will do something that terrifies him so that someone doesn't have to do it alone.  Dave is a force of nature and yet the gentlest and most empathetic soul you've ever met.  He would do anything for anyone-- even a complete stranger. 

Once, Dave was waiting in the car with our twin babies when a homeless couple walked up to him and asked for a ride.  I couldn't bring myself to do it because I didn't feel safe. Dave understood my concerns and what he did next is all you really need to know about Dave Findlay.  He looked at the couple in the eyes, told them he was going to drop us off at our home, but he'd be right back to give them a ride wherever they needed to go.  And that's exactly what he did.  He understood my need to protect my family, and he understood that there was someone in need that he could help-- so he did both.

Dave is dynamic and kind, hard-working and compassionate. He would never ask anyone to do anything he wouldn't and hasn't already done himself.  I wish everyone had the opportunity to spend even just an hour with him, because they'd all be the better for it.  You'd feel more confident, invigorated, and you'd be inspired to be a little kinder to the person next to you. You'd want to go do something wild and adventurous and you'd probably be sore from laughing.  He just sees the world differently than the rest of us-- creatively, spiritually, and intellectually. He's brilliant and wonderful and he is so very loved by everyone and adored by his girls. They are the luckiest to have his love and influence in their lives.  They've grown up having both of us around equally and I am so grateful they've been able to have their dad around so much because he's one of their best friends.

Here's to a very Happiest of Father's Days to Dave and all the dad's out there who love us and take care of us and do all the things! As a girl who grew up very close to her dad, I can say without a doubt, that a father's influence is unique and beautiful and so very important in a girl's life.  Luckily for us, there are many great men out there who fill that role in many different ways. 

Happy Father's Day!
Love, Liz


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