
At Home Full Body Workout

June 10, 2020 3 min read

At Home Full Body Workout

Warmer months are here and we are LOVING being able to workout OUTSIDE.So, for the next couple of Workout Wednesdays we are giving you workouts you can do outside or in the comfort of your home. 



Plank (Hold for 30 seconds) How To: Arms straight and shoulder width apart. Make sure to keep your bum down!You can also do this with bent elbows, forearms resting on the ground.

Chair Dip (4 sets of 12) How To: For this exercise you will need a chair. Start with your arms straight behind you. Bend your arms, lowering your body. Come back to start. (To make it harder, straighten your legs out in front of you.)

Shoulder Taps (4 sets of 12 each side) How To: Begin in a plank position. Arms straight and shoulder width apart. Make sure to keep your bum down! Bring your right arm to your left shoulder. Switch arms.

Burpee (4 sets of 12) How To: Start standing up. Drop to the floor and place your arms in push-up position and jet your legs out behind you. Bring your legs back to squat position and jump up. Note: To make it harder, do a push up before you bring your legs back in.



Jump lunges (4 sets of 12 each side) How To: Squat down with your back straight and a neutral spine. Jump, keeping your legs straight. Land back in your starting squat position.

Sumo squats (4 sets of 12) How To: Feet should be wider than shoulder width apart and turned out. Bend until your thighs are parallel with the ground. To make it harder, grab some weights and hold as you squat.

Calf raises (4 sets of 12) How To: Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. Raise to the balls of your feet. Return to starting position.
Note: To make it harder, raise to the balls of your feet, hold and pulse.

X Jumps (4 sets of 12) How To: Squat down with your back straight and a neutral spine. Cross both arms in front of you, jump with legs and arms out, making an "X" in the air. Land back in your starting squat position.

Speed skaters (4 sets of 12 each side) How To: Start in a standing position. Jump to your right foot, your body bent over with your left leg behind you and left arm reaching past your front foot. Jump to switch sides. 

Inchworm (4 sets of 12) How To: Start in standing position, legs shoulder width apart. Bend over and walk your arms to push-up position. Complete one-push up, walk your arms back to starting position. That's one rep.

Arm Circles (forward and back) (4 sets of 12) How To: Stick your arms straight out to the side of you. Keeping arms tight, circle your arms forward for 4 sets of 12 and then back for 4 sets of 12.



Crunches (4 sets of 12) How To: Start in sit-up position, arms bent behind your head. Lift your chest until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Return to starting position.

Mountain climbers (4 sets of 12 each side) How To: Begin in a plank position keeping arms straight and shoulder width apart. Make sure to keep your bum down! Bring your knee to your chest. Keep your core engaged and quickly switch legs.

Russian Twists(4 sets of 12 each side) How To: Start sitting down with your knees bent in front of you, and your chest at a 45 degree angle.Keep your arms bent in front of you holding your hands, twist from side to side. 

Plank(hold 30 seconds) How To: Arms straight and shoulder width apart. Make sure to keep your bum down! You can also do this with bent arms, forearms resting on the ground.

Flutter Kicks (30 seconds) How To: Start by laying on the ground. Raise legs off the floor and kick your feet up and down.

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