Add Return Protection |
Adding Return Protection to your order means you avoid return fees ($8) if you want to return your items rather than exchange them. |
Receive Your Item |
If you choose to return your items, use our Return Portal and you'll see your fees ($8) are automatically waived. |
Send it back |
You have 30 days to exchange or return your items from the day it's shipped. Check your original form of payment for your refund. |
Add Return Protection |
Receive Your Item |
Send it back |
Adding Return Protection to your order means you avoid return fees ($8) if you want to return your items rather than exchange them. |
If you choose to return your items, use our Return Portal and you'll see your ($8) fees are automatically waived. |
You have 30 days to exchange or return your items from the day it's shipped. Check your original form of payment for your refund. |
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