
International Women's Day 2022

March 07, 2022 7 min read

International Women's Day 2022
For International Women’s Day we would love to introduce you to some of the spectacular women on our team! We are so grateful for the unique experience, perspectives, and passion that they bring to Albion.

What has being a part of Albion taught you about women?

Impact. I would definitely have to say how big of an impact we make on each other and on others that come into our lives. We can choose to have a positive impact or a negative one, and Albion has taught me that we can always choose to be a positive impact for ourselves and for others in our lives.

What is one thing you would tell your mom/daughter/sister/friend about being a woman? 

Be BOLD. Be BRAVE and Be CONFIDENT. That is what beauty is to me. It is having the confidence to be who you truly are and love that version of yourself. Let others see you for who you are and do not be ashamed of that person. BE YOU! Everyone else is already taken.

Do you have a word or mantra that inspires you?

BE WHERE YOU ARE. I, like many others, love to multitask and get as much done as I can. I am constantly reminding myself the power of being where my feet are and fully investing myself in the moment I am in.

Who is a woman you admire?

Typical. But It would have to be my Mom. She is kind, funny, a jokester and so strong.

What is a goal or dream that you have?

To visit ALL 50 States!:)

What is something that always makes you happy?

Clean bedroom, clean sheets, then taking a nice shower and putting on clean PJs and curling up in bed. I mean...that is literally HEAVENLY!

What is a place on your bucket list to travel to?

Japan in the spring time to see the cherry blossoms.

The Albion piece you can't live without?

Two words: Neo Crops!


What has being a part of Albion taught you about women?

I love that Albion is all about women supporting women. One of Albion's main goals is not only to help us uplift customers, but also to help us uplift ourselves, our teammates, and others in our personal lives and communities. Albion has taught me that women are capable and strong, but we can be stronger together when we are unified and look outside of ourselves.

What is one thing you would tell your mom/daughter/sister/friend about being a woman? 

You are enough! I feel like there is so much pressure to be better, do better, look better, etc. that we sometimes forget that who we are right now is amazing. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and there will always be something we can improve on or some way we can compare ourselves to others, but that will never diminish our worth as women.

Do you have a word or mantra that inspires you?

Growing up, one of our family mottos was "Be nice to everyone and be patient with mean people." Now that I'm older I don't come across many people that are inherently "mean", however it is still a great reminder to me to be kind and patient with everyone. Life can be difficult and many times we don't know what another person is going through. I appreciate the people in my life that have been patient with me when I was not my best self, so I hope that I can be that person for someone else.

Who is a woman you admire?

The woman I admire most in my life is my mama. She is one of the most patient and selfless people in my life, and one of my best friends!

What is something that always makes you happy?

My favorite self-care is relaxing in a nice warm bubble bath and watching a show or reading  a good book. I'll also take any opportunity I can to spend quality time with my husband and puppy.

What is a place on your bucket list to travel to?

Spain is at the very top of my list! I would love to travel there to experience the amazing culture!

The Albion piece you can't live without?

I could not live without my Jetsetters and Destination Joggers —they are so versatile! I love that they make me feel put together while still feeling comfortable and that I'm able to style them in so many different ways. I'm also obsessed with the Rise Bralette. It's my favorite swim top! I love to wear it not only at the pool, but also as a cute sports bra for low-impact workouts.


What has being a part of Albion taught you about women?

Working at Albion brings me so much personal and professional confidence! I feel empowered in my work through the trust I receive from my coworkers and peers. I've learned that respecting others and empowering through kindness creates the most productivity. I feel like my ideas are valued and appreciated. Not only do I feel empowered professionally by coworkers, I've learned so much from Albion customers on feeling confident in a swimsuit! It is so inspiring to see women all over the world love themselves at the beach in an Albion Fit swimsuit!

What is one thing you would tell your mom/daughter/sister/friend about being a woman? 

I would tell my younger self to be more confident! I know that is easier said than done, however I really believe that everyone has something truly unique to contribute to the world and confidence is key to that contribution.

Do you have a word or mantra that inspires you?

ENJOY THE EVERYDAY! I am naturally a future focused individual, almost to a fault. I try to keep future goals but really embrace the present moment! I try to enjoy every day and embrace the ups and downs of the current day. I also would say to trust your gut! Oftentimes your intuition is spot on!

Who is a woman you admire?

I really admire my late grandmother. She was a woman that was born before her time. Although she spent most of her life raising her children and grandchildren, she was extremely entrepreneurial. She was the queen of hustle. She sold handbags, was a luxury travel agent and was a tennis coach. She wasn't afraid to share her opinions and take a stand for what was right.

What is a goal or dream that you have?

I would love to grow professionally into leadership roles where I can collaborate with a variety of people in both creative and analytical capacities. I also would love to be an influence as a strong mother and wife and community leader. 

What is something that always makes you happy?

I really love to explore new places and be with friends and family! I've traveled to over 30 countries and counting—I love experiencing new cultures! I love trying new restaurants, cooking the latest Ina Garten recipe and taking pilates classes. My perfect relaxation day would be laying on the beach, reading a book, talking with good friends and drinking a refreshing beverage!

What is a place on your bucket list to travel to?

Morocco, India, Switzerland, Lake Como

The Albion piece you can't live without?

I love the Albion Olivia Crop swimsuit top! It is universally flattering and comes in such a wide variety of prints!


What has being a part of Albion taught you about women?

 Working at Albion I see how amazing women are. Everyone who walks into the store has their own thing going on, but I get to see how much each person has accomplished and how giving they are toward other people.

What is one thing you would tell your mom/daughter/sister/friend about being a woman? 

We can do anything we set our minds to. We are so much stronger than we think, we just have to get to know ourselves and embrace it.

Who is a woman you admire?

I admire my mom because of how selfless she is. She adopted me and my brother from Africa and I know it wasn’t easy for her. She is always thinking of others and is the most amazing woman I know. 

What is something that always makes you happy?

Clean bedroom, clean sheets, then taking a nice shower and putting on clean PJs and curling up in bed. I mean...that is literally HEAVENLY! 

The Albion piece you can't live without?

My Black Windowpane Destination Joggers they go with everything and are so easy to dress up and down! They are also so comfortable and of course super cute!


What has being a part of Albion taught you about women?

Albion has taught me that all women have such unique talents and views, that when used together rather than against, create something special. It is so easy for us to look at other people with different gifts and look down upon them or be envious. But here at Albion, we support each other. We teach each other and share our weaknesses to turn them into strengths.

 What is one thing you would tell your mom/daughter/sister/friend about being a woman? 

I would tell them to find your passions and run with it! Once you find the things in life that bring you complete and genuine joy, there's nothing that you can't accomplish. Life is too short to spend your days on things that don't make you happy.

Do you have a word or mantra that inspires you?

Growing up we always lived by, "Never, Never, Never Give Up." - Winston Churchill. Throughout life you are constantly going to be knocked down. But it doesn't matter how many times you do, rather how many you get back up.

Who is a woman you admire?

The woman I admire most is my sweet Mother. My whole life she has shown me unconditional love, how to conquer a hard time, take care of a family, while still working. She has shown me the importance of loving and caring for those around you, and finding a job that you're passionate about.

What is a goal or dream that you have?

A dream of mine is to live in New York City for the summer and travel to all of their museums!

What is something that always makes you happy?

I love making music playlists! Being able to select so many different songs from various albums and artists for a specific trip or mood is my favorite! My go to Self Care Night consists of ice cream, a face mask. and curling up with a good book.

What is a place on your bucket list to travel to?

I have ALWAYS wanted to travel to Greece! The beautiful buildings, unique food, and new culture and something that I have wanted to experience firsthand!

The Albion piece you can't live without?

My Neo Crop Sweatshirt & Jetsetters. Our Neo Crops are the comfiest material that you can dress up so easily. Nothing beats our signature jetsetters!


Happy International Women's Day!

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